Sunday, August 14, 2011
World Series Champs!

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Witten says the darkest things
Every time we leave the house I always have to allow an extra 10-12 minutes for me to fin Wittens shoes. Most of the time they are under the trampoline or in the gameroom under a pile of toys. But it still takes me looking for them for a while before we can leave the house. And, I always start telling him to find his shoes about 30 mins before we're ready to leave.
So yesterday we were leaving the house and I started with my usual.
"Witten get your shoes on."
Witten: ok mom.
As usual it's time to go and of course no shoes, so i say it again.
"Witten PLEASE find your shoes!"
Usually Witten says something along the lines of I can't find them, or I don't really need shoes or they're in the car or something to just pacify me. But not yesterday.
Witten: Momma I yooked ebey-where and I just can't find them.
Me: (a little shocked by his
Different response) ok babe well where did you look?
Witten: well I yooked in da fridge and they're not in there so I have no idea where else I woulda put them.
I just couldn't hold it in, I feel out laughing bc I know he's completely serious. He is ALWAYS in da fridge, so of course that's where he looked first!
That's my boy!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
This Myrtle meets Fertile Myrtle!
So, Chris, the kids and I all flew to the Myrtle Beach. It was so much fun. Chris and I also realized how big our kids were...traveling with them is.....ehhhhhhhh im fixing to say it...... E. A. S. Y.
Yup, I said it, it was maybe not easy, but definitely want to pull my eyelashes out one by one with an ice pic and a fork...yeah..it used to be bad. But this time they were really good.
So we get to the beach and We are STOKED to be there. We are so excited to see all his family that we all love and adore but rarely get to see. It was EXACTLY what we needed to start our summer off right.
So I kinda figure Witten may not be as into sports as his brother, but he may have found his "thing" I can totally see him as a surfer boy. Only thing is, theres no beach close to mama. We can fix that though. He refused to get out of the water. I was so proud of him.
Thanks Granny and Gramps for such a fun week. A week to remember for sure!