Sunday, July 25, 2010

Humble Persistence

This mornings Sunday School lesson was entitled Humble Persistence. It was about praying for something for a really long time and seeing your prayers answered, and having Faith that God will get you through the situation.  The lesson came from Mark 7:24-30.  The story is about a mother who has a daughter who is possessed by an evil spirit. She has faith that Jesus can heal her and begs Him to do so. The mother was persistent and strong-willed in asking Him for His healing power over her daughter. And of course, Jesus did heal the little girl because of her mothers faith in God.

This story hit a little too close to home for me today! It made me think of my sweet Witten Macabe. I have prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed for Witten. I've prayed for so many different things. I prayed for answers, I prayed for a fix, I prayed for patience for both of us, I prayed for Witt to just 'be normal' but then I realized Witten is 'normal'.  He's normal for Witten.
Which is ok with me!
Now I just pray for peace with him.  We have been through so much with this child. But I NEVER gave up on Witten or My GOD!
A few months ago, I had to sit down with someone and explain to them about Witten.  It was one of the hardest conversations I've EVER HAD! But I (kindly) reminded that person that no matter what he may think of my boy, Witten was made in Christ-like image, therefore, Witten is an incredible, creative and hilariously loving boy.
I then screamed SO BACK OFF ALREADY!!!!
Ok I didnt, but I really really wanted to! 

Lately, I've noticed a huge change in Witten. He seems to be able to control himself much better. He is working on being able to handle social situations.  Today at the lunch table, a stranger (to Witten) walked up to us and said "Hey y'all! How are ya?"   Witten without batting an eye said "Hey! How are you?" It was not only adorable but made my heart so proud.  He is starting 'Big Boy School' in a few weeks and I'm so scared!  This will rock his world. And mine too! But I will most definitely continue to be the momma I am for Witten. The momma that prays continually for my children! I have faith in my GOD that one day Witten will have total peace in his body and mind, He will be able to walk into an unfamiliar room, with new faces and be able to 'deal with it' on his own without my coaching!  Witten is a child of God, created in His image! And I am so thankful that God leant him to me while we're here on Earth!


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